(Photo credit: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/01/27/living-with-mental-disorders_n_9089996.html)

The Power of Emotions. Embracing Humanity is not Vulnerability.

Silent Lenses


Life is a complex vastness full of unexplained emotions yet, as humans, we continue to feel; and with these feelings, we deny them. We resist embracing what we can’t control.

As humans, we always grasp for the opportunity to control because the idea of holding reign over the complexity of life gives us a certain elation that we can be far beyond mundanity. We want to be perfect. But what really is perfection if nothing but a set of standards designed to strip away man’s individuality, turning every person into lifeless machines?

Life is a complex vastness and it is filled with emotions that give us the power to feel; and we should welcome those feelings. Resistance towards these emotions only directs us to a delayed depression if they go unacknowledged and unlearned. We cradle these emotions like a child that needs a mother to feel safe because these emotions are who we are. They define our individuality as humans and the vulnerability of it all is a sigh of relief that breaks us free from the eye of perfection. Because we are HUMAN. We are never perfect.

Like I said, life is a complex vastness therefore, we should break ourselves from the binding chains of superficial ideologies. Life’s course does not run on a yellow brick road with clear ways and an unclouded direction but instead, life’s course is an endless rocky pavement blocked by fallen trees and flooded pathways. Take a step and take a fall because we are humans after all.



Silent Lenses

Just an individual trying to keep everything together through these written words and unfolded thoughts.